Airbnb eGift Card

Airbnb eGift Card


Amazing places to stay and things to do, all around the world.

No expiry.

Here’s how to redeem your gift:
1. Sign up or log in at
2. Follow the on-screen prompts
3. We’ll automatically apply the credit when you book

* Recipient's name is required

* A valid recipient email address is required

* Mobile number must be 10 digits and begin with '04'

300 Character(s) Remaining
  Delivery Date:

*Delivery date is required

Buying for yourself?
We'll save the gift in your wallet and send it to you in an email.

Help & Support


Select a personal message


Import Recipients


* A maximum of 10 recipients per order
* One recipient per line
* Comma separated
* Mobile optional

Uploading...please be patient
 File Uploaded

* A maximum of 10 recipients per order * CSV Format: Name, Email, (Mobile optional)
* TXT Format: One per line - Name, Email, (Mobile optional)


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